Dostępne kursy

Introducing Community Supported Fisheries! 

Explore how local communities can get active in advocacy, local food procurement, and access to land issues!

Join us in learning about advocating at the EU Institutional level!

This module is an introduction to three important fields of advocacy: Public Relations, Coalitions and Lobbying. It serves to expand the knowledge about advocacy for organizations in the sector of agroecology and short food supply chains. The module will help organizations reflect on their own capacities and possibilities with regard to advocacy. The module will also inlcude an exchange with other European organizations to learn from their experiences. The module is designed for interested people working in the field of agroecology and short food supply chains.

Does Eastern Europe have a specific dynamic regarding the development of LSPA? The module is addressed to consumers and producers interested in finding out more information about CSA in Hungary and Romania. It may also be of great interest to representatives of local authorities and NGOs engaged in increasing access to locally produced food. 

This course explores issues of access to food and the links to poverty and marginalization in Europe. By examining institutional and political barriers to social inclusion and participation, this course encourages learners to use a right to food and nutrition framework to assess European food policy.

Food citizens are motivated to organise and support food communities. Their often-voluntary work motivates everyday consumers to join food communities for not merely good quality food, but also to raise awareness about the social, environmental, and economic principles of food citizenship. A recognition of the values and guiding principles that inform such communities contributes to the long-term, well-funded operation of these foods systems. The goal of this course is to learn from active and successful mentors within food communities to increase learners’ capacity to develop, sustain, and amplify their local food communities and thus, broaden the base of energetic food citizens in Europe. 

Welcome to this module on e-learning at URGENCI! We hope this  session provides a clear glimpse into our approach to online training.